Friday, January 18, 2013

C9 Opens a New SEA Server Acharon


Webzen announced that the Continent of the Ninth Seal is launching a new SEA server to cope with the phenomenal demand from players.

On January 23th, C9's new game server Acharon will be open to provide an easy access and a stabilized network environment for players around Asia, except for China, Japan, and Thailand where are currently covered by local service c9 gold


To celebrate the launch of the new server, C9 will be holding various events to welcome both transferred and new players. All players who join the Acharon server will be supported with free cash-shop items and an extra bonus EXP boost. Also, character migration service will transfer all the existing Asian region players from the current server.

Furthermore, C9 is offering variety of exclusive guild promotions for the SEA server including level up bonus and an extra guild point event which will encourage players to organize new guilds for the upcoming massive guild war content.sell C9 Gold items COTN

Jihun Lee, Head of Global Publishing, said, "We are delighted to provide a better gaming environment for the C9 players around the globe which will ensure more intense PvP experience." He also said, "We will continuously make an effort to improve the performance of the games for our players all around the world."

To download the game and for more information about the Action RPG C9 and its activities, please visit the official C9 website.

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